A Program of Pro-Choice Arizona | AFAZ
The Abortion Fund of Arizona is part of a community-based organization rooted in abolition and reproductive justice - Pro-Choice Arizona
Our fund helps people pay for their abortion care at independent clinics, and we also provide logistical support to help ease the stress and burden of the restrictive and hostile landscape for abortion care in AZ and across the Southwest.
We are powered by community donations.
Help sustain our crucial work! Access to safe and legal abortions continues to remain uncertain across the U.S., and the future of abortion access in Arizona is uncertain.
The Abortion Fund of Arizona provides direct assistance to people seeking abortion care in Arizona. ​If you are seeking financial assistance for your abortion, look here for information about how to get in touch with us.
We rely on your donations to provide needed assistance to people in our state! Donate now!
We view the right to abortion as a fundamental human right, essential for equality, health, and dignity. Restrictions on abortion access and funding are discriminatory and racist, and these restrictions especially burden people of color, rural. and low-income patients. We advocate for unrestricted abortion care. Abortion Fund of Arizona helps offset the cost of a safe/legal abortion for those who can’t afford it.

abortion in arizona
Arizona lawmakers have shown a fierce determination to put up as many barriers as possible to prevent women from receiving abortion care. Since 2004, the Arizona State Legislature has become increasingly hostile to women’s reproductive needs and their rights to safe, legal, and accessible abortion and even medically accurate information.